What Herbs Can You Use to Cleanse Your Colon?
How it Works
Colon cleansing works by flushing the toxins out of your digestive tract by inducing looser bowels and possibly diarrhea. Be very careful during colon cleansing to drink plenty of water so you will not become dehydrated. Some colon cleansing diets include eating a diet rich in fiber, fresh fruits and vegetables, which is always healthy.
If you are feeling sluggish, weighted down or bloated it could be that your digestive system needs a boost from a colon cleanse. Colon cleansing is said to help with ailments such as asthma, allergies and arthritis. Although many people regularly do colon cleansing, you should definitely check with a colon cleanse expert or physician before mixing or taking any herbs on your own. Colon cleansing herbs can be mixed and put in capsule form or steeped in a tea. Some herbs can be used to add flavor to foods.
Laxative Effect
The following herbs have a laxative effect, some effects are mild and others are strong.
Aloe vera is used to relieve constipation and soothe the intestine; it is a natural enema. Aloe vera is a strong laxative. Do not consume aloe vera if you are pregnant.
Flax seed contains fiber and healthy omega oils; it nourishes the cells and reduces inflammation. It has a mild laxative effect.
Senna leaf is a laxative. When you drink it as a tea, you will notice much looser bowel movements and possibly diarrhea within 10 hours. Senna leaf is a strong laxative.
Psyllium husk softens fecal matter trapped in the bowels by producing fiber and water in the colon. This is a gentle laxative.
Seaweed helps as a stool softner, but also has essential nutrients your body needs. It has a mild laxative effect.
Sweats Out Toxins
There are herbs are spices that can help you sweat out toxins. Cayenne pepper is a blood purifier and helps sweat out toxins. Ginger freshens your breath and aids in digestion. It also helps rid the body of toxins by inducing sweat.
Aids in Digestion
Some herbs aid in digestion and soothe and relieve abdominal pain and gas. Chamomile flower can relieve abdominal discomfort and help with irritable bowel syndrome. Fennel seed keeps the breath fresh, decreases gas and relieves stomach pain. Ginger freshens your breath and aids in digestion. It also helps rid the body of toxins by inducing sweat. Kale helps prevent bloating and contains glutamine that prevents cancer in the digestive system. Parsley aids in digestion and freshens the breath. It also acts as a diuretic and helps to clean the kidneys. Spearmint relieves indigestion and helps with tension and headaches.
Provide Nutrients
Some herbs nourish cells and provide nutrients. Flax seed contains fiber and healthy omega oils; it nourishes the cells and reduces inflammation. Green tea detoxifies the body. It contains cathechins which will attach to molecules to detoxify and remove oxidants from the system and it also provides nutrients. Seaweed helps as a stool softner, but also has essential nutrients that your body needs.
Some herbs detoxify and rid the body of bacteria/parasites or viruses. Garlic is good for killing bacteria and cleansing the intestines and is good for treating the virus that causes warts. Golden seal stops swelling in the intestines and kills bacteria. Green tea detoxifies the body. It contains cathechins that attach to molecules to detoxify and remove oxidants from the system. Licorice root is a detoxifier. It can help remove toxins from the liver and blood. Pumpkin seed eliminates parasites. Turmeric is an anti-fungal and acts as a blood purifier. Wormwood powder helps remove parasites.