Information on Sun Chlorella
Discovered in the 19th century, sun chlorella has existed for more than 2 billion years and is one of the 15 known forms of edible algae. The Sun Chlorella Corporation has been harvesting and manufacturing chlorella for over 30 years. It is taken by millions of people from all over the world, making it Japan's top-selling health food.
Sun chlorella is harvested as an alkaline food by the unique patented Dyno-Mill process in Japan by breaking open the thick outer wall of the chlorella cell without chemicals or heat, ensuring the full nutritional value.
Sun chlorella is said to relieve pain and target cells infected by cancer when used in conjunction with other medications, slowing the cancer's onset. Sun chlorella is also said to work to prevent and treat cancer by cleansing the body of toxins and heavy metals. Sun chlorella also may repair damage to the heart from toxins and free radicals by reducing total serum cholesterol and blood glucose levels, as discovered by Dr. Randall E. Merchant and his team at the School of Medicine of Virginia Commonwealth University. Sun chlorella works to supply the brain with nutrients for mental clarity and focus. In addition, sun chlorella is purported to increase oxygen levels and boost mood. Additionally, sun chlorella provides the eyes with required vitamins and nutrients for optical health. The Blue Mountains Eye Study has shown positive results with foods rich in antioxidants such as sun chlorella.
Sun chlorella acts as "smart" algae by removing toxins from the body, yet not removing the needed nutrients as it delivers the chlorophyllase and pepsin enzymes that aid in digestion and support flora growth in the intestinal tract to promote efficient elimination. Sun chlorella also reduces bad breath with chlorophyll. Sun chlorella slows oxidation of the cells that cause the skin to age and become dry, discolored and wrinkled. By supercharging the body, sun chlorella is said to prevent premature aging by increasing cell renewal. Sun chlorella provides relief to sufferers of chronic fatigue syndrome as well as generally boosting the body's energy levels by increasing the oxygen level in the bloodstream. Sun chlorella is purported to speed metabolism, the process in which stored fat is burned as energy.
Sun chlorella is generally considered safe and contains all-natural ingredients. However, being an alternative medicine, it has yet to be tested by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Please consult your physician prior to beginning any alternative treatment if you have any health problems or are taking any prescription medications.