What Is Bilberry Extract?
Bilberry has been grown in Europe for over a thousand years and is used for medicinal purposes and in jams and pies. Similar to the blueberry, bilberry has antioxidants which can be very beneficial for you. Bilberry can also be found in North America and Asia. Bilberry is also called European blueberry, whortleberry and huckleberry. Its scientific name is Vaccinium myrtillus. Bilberry leaves and fruit are used to make extracts and teas.
Bilberry leaf extract has been historically used to help lower blood sugar in diabetes sufferers. You will also find that bilberry helps with diarrhea, menstrual cramps and a variety of circulatory problems, according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Bilberry may also assist with night vision, glaucoma, cataracts, sore throats, stomach ulcers, fibrocystic breast disease and atherosclerosis. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, bilberry also contains vitamin C.
Bilberry tastes similar to the American blueberry. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, bilberry is a perennial shrub that is about a foot and a half in height. "It has sharp-edged, green branches and black wrinkled berries, which are ripe for picking in late summer," states the University of Maryland.
Take 80 to 480 mg of liquid bilberry extract three times a day for maximum benefit. Ingest 60 to 160 mg of bilberry capsules or tablets three times daily for benefits. You can also consume 20 to 60 mg of fresh bilberry to see results.
Boil 5 to 10 g of crushed dried bilberry fruit in 150 ml of water for 10 minutes and strain while hot to make a mouthwash gargle, according to Medline Plus. Gargle three times a day for maximum sore throat relief.
More medical research is needed to verify the effectiveness of bilberry for medical conditions. You should not take high doses of bilberry leaf or leaf extract since these "are considered unsafe due to possible toxic side effects," according to the NCCAM. You should not take fresh bilberry fruit for diarrhea. Do not take bilberry if you are already taking blood thinners. Talk to your health care provider for any serious medical concerns you may have prior to taking bilberry extract.