Yerba Mate & Tumor Growth
The Science
An article published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry showed Ilex paraguariensis (the scientific name for yerba mate) to effectively inhibit cancer cell proliferation. Another report found in the Oxford Journal claimed, "Ilex paraguariensis is rich in several bioactive compounds that can act as free radical scavengers." The results suggest that yerba mate tea could protect against DNA damage, which can cause cancer. It also contains polyphenols and saponins, well known chemicals which have an anticarcinogenic effect.
Yerba mate contains many of the nutrients needed to sustain life, including vitamins A, C, B-complex and E. Additionally, it contains 15 different amino acids and several important minerals, including magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, zinc and niacin.
The xanthines give yerba its energizing effect. Although they are chemically similar to caffeine, those who consume yerba mate state that the effect is very different than coffee, namely, that it does not cause jitters or nervousness.
How to Use Yerba Mate
Yerba mate is prepared a bit differently than most herbal teas. It is traditionally served in a guampa (small gourd or cup). Loose leaves are poured into the empty guampa with a bombilla (a slotted drinking straw) in place. The guampa is filled about 2/3 to 3/4 full, and then hot water is poured over the top. After a few seconds to few minutes of steeping, the tea is ready to drink. The herbs can be reinfused with more hot water several times before they are spent.
Yerba mate is a social drink. Traditionally, the guampa is passed around and shared with several friends in one sitting. But one need not be in a social setting to enjoy the benefits of yerba mate. Native citizens of South America often carry their guampas and yerba mate around with them whereever they go.
Where to find Yerba Mate
Although popular throughout South America, yerba mate is still relatively unheard of in the United States. It can sometimes be found in Latin markets or natural health food stores. However, it can easily be ordered online and shipped right to your home. Many suppliers also sell guampas and bombillas to help you enjoy your yerba mate., and are a few popular sites.
Weight Loss
Some studies have also noted yerba mate's weight loss effect. It is unclear whether this is due to increased energy levels, or some yet unidentified chemical constituent. However, one must exercise caution, as this herb does have a diuretic effect. Permanent, healthy weight loss is the result of correct nutrition and regular exercise.
Conflicting Studies
As with any herb, you should check with your physician or healthcare professional before using yerba mate for medicinal purposes.
There is some concern that long-term use of yerba mate may lead to certain cancers of the mouth. However, studies are inconclusive, and researchers believe the cancers may actually be the result of drinking the tea too hot, rather than from the tea itself. In fact, one study done at the University of Illinois found that mate actually has the ability to inhibit oral cancer cell growth significantly.