What Is Yohimbe Used For?
According to the American Cancer Society, yohimbe has been used traditionally in Africa as a treatment for erectile dysfunction and as a aphrodisiac, as well as a stimulant for battle and a topical remedy for skin conditions. An active ingredient, yohimbine, was purified from yohimbe bark and has been available as a prescription drug in the United States since the 1930s. Since the advent of the Internet age, yohimbe has become a popular herbal sexual enhancer worldwide.
By far the most common claim attributed to yohimbe is its legendary reputation as a natural "Viagra." The University of Exeter in the United Kingdom conducted a review and analysis of published studies done on yohimbe and erectile dysfunction, according to a report published in the Journal of Urology in 1998. After reviewing the studies, the researchers concluded that there was sufficient evidence that that yohimbe is a therapeutic option for erectile dysfunction.
According to many medical authorities, there are numerous potential hazards to using yohimbe as a health supplement. The American Cancer Society provides a lengthy list of possible side effects including high blood pressure, chest pain, vomiting, possible psychiatric complications and even death.
Yohimbe is a controversial herb with vocal and avid supporters and equally vocal individuals and organizations who argue that it is dangerous. However, in the above quoted study, after evaluating seven different trials of yohimbe for safety, the researchers concluded that serious adverse reaction were both infrequent and reversible.
Other Uses
Besides being used as a sexual stimulant, yohimbe is also used as a weight loss supplement. A study done at the Institute of Sports Medicine in Belgrade found yohimbe to significantly decrease body fat in professional soccer players.