What Are Some Herbs for Kidney Health?
Individuals experiencing kidney problems or suffering from kidney disease should be extremely cautious before embarking on a program of herbal medicine. Traditional medical practitioners are extremely skeptical of natural herbs as a tonic for any sort of health condition, especially kidney disease, where the body is already overloaded and straining through the process of removing dangerous waste.
Institutions such as the National Kidney Foundation, as well as many other physicians and researchers, maintain that there is no scientific evidence to support many herbs as beneficial. People with kidney issues must consult their doctor or dietitian before utilizing natural herbs.
Those experiencing no kidney disorders, but simply wishing to maintain kidney health, may look at dandelion, cat's claw, rose hips, cranberry, goldenrod and hawthorne as some of the primary herbs believed by natural health practitioners to contribute to overall kidney vitality. It's important to keep in mind that many of these are diuretics and will flush water from the body, an effect that those suffering from kidney disease may wish to avoid.
Dandelion is commonly referred to as lion's tooth or blowball. Native American and Arabic medical practitioners have used it throughout history as a treatment for spleen, liver and kidney disease. Its primary use remains the same today. Often the entire plant, though more commonly the leaves and roots, is used either fresh or dried in extracts, capsules and teas. Some individuals are allergic to the plant, and it will occasionally cause stomach upset and diarrhea.
Cat's Claw
Cat's claw has been utilized for centuries as a tonic for kidney health. It grows exclusively in the Amazon rain forest where ancient medicine men as far back as the Incas believed in its healing properties. It's currently being studied as a possible treatment for many diseases including HIV, Alzheimer's, arthritis and cancer. While there is some evidence that cat's claw stimulates the immune system, an apparent positive for those with kidney problems, specialists are concerned that such stimulation could actually be damaging to those experiencing kidney health issues. Additionally, the herb has been used for both the prevention and the abortion of pregnancies, so those wishing to become pregnant or who may be pregnant should avoid this woody vine.
Hawthorne is a spiny shrub related to the rose family. Ancient medical practitioners dating to the first century B.C.E. were known to have used it for prevention of both kidney and heart ailments. These two issues go hand-in-hand, as heart disease is the number one cause of death for those who develop kidney disorders. Both the leaf and flower are used to make a liquid extract with alcohol and water. Today, researchers are focusing primarily on its benefits to those with heart disease. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine says that there is enough scientific evidence to support its benefit in mild forms of heart disease but cite insufficient studies as to its effectiveness with more severe heart issues.
Kidney Stones
Goldenrod, cranberry and rose hips are natural herbs used in the prevention and treatment of kidney stones. Since these stones are largely collections of calcium deposits, it's believed that extracts from these herbs may help stop the development of stones by minimizing accumulation of calcium in the urinary tract. Lemon juice is also said to be effective in the treatment of kidney stones. However, rather than serving as a deterrent to their formation, it acts more as a pain reliever by helping to dissolve the stones as they are being passed.