Tongkat Ali Information
Tongkat Ali is a small, unusually-shaped, shrub-like tree with pinnate evergreen leaves. All Tongkat Ali plants are either male or female and produce large clusters of very small flowers. The "gender" of each plant has no effect on its overall phytochemical composition; male and female trees produce identical effects on the human body. Tongkat Ali grows in several coastal Asian nations, most notably Malaysia and Indonesia. It grows most abundantly in sandy, low-altitude areas near saltwater, but it is becoming increasingly scarce due to over-harvesting and poor forest management. To preserve this important plant, consumers should seek brands that practice ecologically conscious harvesting methods.
Sexual Enhancement
In Malaysian traditional medicine, Tongkat Ali is used extensively for its aphrodisiac effects. Tongkat Ali is believed to enhance sexual stamina, sensitivity, circulation and fertility. University Science Malaysia has conducted dozens of studies to evaluate Tongkat Ali's effects on sexual vitality in rats and other small mammals, with unanimously positive results. These trials, which have been published in several medical journals, have found that Tongkat Ali increases sexual interest in almost all male rats, including those who are inexperienced, middle-aged and even castrated. While few well-designed human studies have yet investigated these effects, animal tests have confirmed that Tongkat Ali is a potent sexual stimulant.
Muscle Growth
Athletes and bodybuilders often take Tongkat Ali supplements to increase testosterone levels and enable muscle-building. The British Journal of Sports Medicine reported that, in a small clinical trial, Tonkat Ali provided a greater increase in muscle mass and overall strength when compared to a placebo. This small study is supported by another Malaysian animal test, published in 2001. When rats were given Tongkat Ali, they showed an increase in strength and sexual vitality, regardless of whether they were castrated, unaltered or testosterone-enhanced. While Tongkat Ali is a natural herb and not a steroid or pro-hormone, some organizations may not allow its use in bodybuilding competitions and competitive sports.
Unlike most sexual stimulants, Tongkat Ali is relatively free of side effects. The most common complaints associated with Tongkat Ali are headache, insomnia and gastrointestinal problems. Steroid-like side effects such as gynecomastia (breast growth) have never been reported from Tongkat Ali. While there are no known side effects or drug interactions associated with Tongkat Ali, it may interact unpredictably with some medical conditions and prescription medications. Until more is known about Tongkat Ali's pharmacology, consumers with medical conditions should consult a qualified practitioner before using the herb.
Choosing Supplements
Tongkat Ali is available in many different forms and extracts. Traditionally, Tongkat Ali is extracted using water, and the concentrated formula is taken by mouth. Some manufacturers use alcohol to make extracts of Tongkat Ali, and this may provide a higher concentration of the plant's active compounds. Supplements range in potency from unaltered plant matter to extracts that contain 200 times the concentration of Tongkat Ali's active compounds. Additionally, the potency of Tongkat Ali will vary depending on the age of the plant and its growing conditions. Some herbal formulas are available that combine Tonkgat Ali with other supplements, such as yohimbe and tribulus, to enhance its aphrodisiac and anabolic properties.