Psoriasis Herbal Cures
Calendula and Comfrey
Apply a light layer of skin cream containing calendula and comfrey to psoriasis patches twice a day. Creams cool the skin whereas ointments tend to heat up the skin. Calendula and comfrey calm the skin by soothing inflammation and repairing damaged cell tissues. This combination mixed in skin cream keeps the skin from drying out. Herbal skin creams are found in most health food stores. Do not use comfrey on any skin that is cracked open.
Gently rub aloe gel on psoriasis patches three times a day. Purchase aloe gel that is 98 to 100 percent pure. Avoid any aloe products that contain perfume, colorant and other additives. These may aggravate your psoriasis. Grow aloe vera plants in indoor pots. Cut off three inches of an aloe leaf. Split the leaf down the middle and scrape out the gel. Apply directly to the skin. Aloe is a great skin moisturizer.
Burdock, Oregon Grape, Yellow Dock and Siberian Ginseng
Mix equal parts of each tincture of burdock, Oregon grape, yellow dock and Siberian ginseng. Stir 1 tsp. of the blended tincture in 1 cup grapefruit juice. Take twice daily for three to four weeks. These herbs have detoxifying and blood cleansing properties. Also they have a mild laxative quality. This tincture helps the body get rid of any toxins that causes your psoriasis outbreak.
Milk Thistle
Take 150 mg capsule of milk thistle three times each day for three to six months. Milk thistle's active ingredient is a flavonoid called silymarin. Milk thistle is an antioxidant herb that eliminates toxins from the body. This herb protects and repairs liver cells.
Take 1 tsp. licorice extract three to four times a day during psoriasis flare-ups. Licorice herb is not the candy type of licorice. Pure licorice extract is thick and syrupy like molasses and comes in 2-oz. bottles in health food stores. Licorice has anti-inflammatory properties.
Dandelion Coffee
Harvest four cups of young dandelion roots and leaves. Try to find dandelion plants that have not flowered yet. Preheat oven to 250 degrees F. Put dandelion roots and leaves on a baking sheet. Bake 30 minutes or until brown and crispy. Grind to a powder. Mix 1 cup of dandelion powder with 1 cup of coffee grounds in a resealable bag. Use this mix to brew your coffee. Drinking dandelion coffee stimulates the liver, cleanses the blood and makes the skin less itchy.