Herbal Cure for Diarrhea
Herbal Treatment
Many of the common herbs to treat diarrhea can be found in your local health food store. Goldenseal is effective when treating diarrhea that was caused by a bacterial infection. Taking 1/2 to 1 tsp. three times a day will suffice. Garlic treats diarrhea and has been known for centuries to have antibiotic properties. It can either be taken raw or in a dried form. Chamomile and blackberry teas are also helpful. Slippery elm bark is not only good for cleansing the body, it is also effective it causing the bowels' contents to solidify. If you purchase slippery elm in tablet form, follow the directions or take two capsules before meals. Peppermint is another effective herbal remedy. You can add three to 15 drops to a glass of purified water every two to three hours as well.
In the beginning stages of diarrhea it is a good idea to stay away from solid foods. Drink plenty of water and juices. This is important because the body is sending the available water in the body to the bowels. This causes the body to dehydrate. It is important to replenish the body with water as soon as possible. Another reason the liquids are important is that it aids in flushing out any toxins that may have caused the diarrhea in the first place.
When the diarrhea begins to subside, add plain yogurt to your diet. Vegetable soups, rice, steamed vegetables, apples, bananas, carrots and potatoes will help. Try to stay away from prunes, raisons, alcohol, cow's milk and caffeine.
Supplement your diet with lactobacillus acidophilus, which helps replenish the body with beneficial bacteria that will aid in removing toxins in the digestive system.
Diarrhea typically lasts two to four days. Anything lasting beyond that could mean something more serious, so seek medical attention from your health care practitioner as soon as possible.