Gingko Biloba for Tinnitus Treatment
Ginkgo biloba may improve blood flow to the brain.
About Gingko
Also known as the maidenhair tree, the gingko biloba tree produces leaves and seeds that are dried to make extract. In America, ginkgo biloba extract is marketed as a memory and mental clarity enhancer. Chinese medicine, however, has used ginkgo biloba as a tinnitus treatment for centuries.
Although there is no research supporting the claims of its medical effectiveness in treating tinnitus, the University of Arkansas suggests that ginkgo's claimed ability to increase blood flow to the brain may also decrease tinnitus, headache, and other symptoms of poor brain circulation.
Using Ginkgo Biloba for Tinnitus
Ginkgo is available as supplements, GBE extract, and tea. Take 40mg of dry extract 3 times daily or as the label directs for tinnitus. Wait anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months to achieve results.
Never take raw gingko biloba seeds. Drying them destroys the toxic chemical gingkotoxin. Your system can accumulate a fatal concentration of ginkgotoxin if you consume enough of the unprocessed seeds.
Keep in mind that a 2000 study at the University of Birmingham found that ginkgo biloba didn't work any better than a placebo. Thirty-four of the 360 tinnitus sufferers taking 50mg of ginkgo biloba 3 times a day for 12 weeks reported improvement, compared to 35 of the 360 participants taking the placebo.
Because gingko stimulates blood circulation, ask your doctor about taking it if you're already using a blood thinner or will be undergoing surgery in the near future. Also talk to your doctor about using ginkgo if you're either pregnant or nursing.
If you experience stomach upset, dizziness, headache, or a skin reaction when taking ginkgo biloba, you may be allergic. Stop using it.