Marshmallow Root Side Effects
The herb is most commonly used to treat respiratory problems like bronchitis. It is also used to soothe sore throats. You can soak 2 g of the root in cold water for two hours, and then gargle for respiratory treatments. Herbal supplements (5 mg) once per day can be taken to aid in weight loss. Marshmallow swells when mixed with water to provide a full-feeling.
Marshmallow root has properties that are used to treat various conditions. It works as a diuretic increasing the secretion of urine, and it aids in dissolving kidney stones. The root is also used to soften skin, and soothe inflamed tissues. Marshmallow has anti-inflammatory properties. It can be shredded and mixed with warm water to form a paste, and then applied topically to treat eczema, psoriasis and other skin wounds.
The best method of consumption for this herb is taking it as a supplement. You can take a 5-mg tablet once daily. Or, if you prefer liquid, take 5 to 15 ml up to 3 times daily.
The liquid preparation may include sugar and alcohol. Use is cautionary if suffering from diabetes or alcoholism. Using this in conjunction with medically prescribed diabetic medication may negatively impact blood sugar levels. Take other prescribed medication at least two hours after consuming marshmallow. Consuming at the same time could interfere with digestive track absorption.
Side Effects
Consult with your physician before starting a marshmallow regiment. There have been no reported side effects pertaining to this herb. Marshmallow is considered to be safe with no known toxicity. This herb should not be used if you are currently breastfeeding.