Energetic Herbal Formula for Thyroid Problems
Hypothyroidism can be caused by a lack of iodine, so eating iodine-rich foods like kelp can be a good start. Once you make sure your diet has enough iodine, try these three herbs to further improve your thyroid. Commiphora mukul (guggul) is an herb used in traditional Indian medicine (Ayurveda) that has been linked to aiding fat loss and increasing thyroid function. Ashwagandha is another Indian herb that raises thyroid hormone levels by reducing certain peroxides in the liver that can lead to a thyroid limitation. Dan shen is a mint from Mongolia that has been known to increase thyroid function. These three herbs, along with proper levels of iodine, may help you to return to natural levels of energy without any further supplementation.
Regulating your hyperthyroidism with the proper herbs can drastically improve your energy levels. In contrast, with hypothyroidism (low thyroid), you may need to limit your iodine intake. You can help to reduce iodine content in your body by using the herb gypsywort. Use 5 drops of a gypsywort tincture in some water and drink it three times per day. An herbal remedy containing bugle can help to control energy-draining symptoms like heart palpitations and quivering muscles. The herb lemon balm limits the production of the thyroid along with giving some assistance in the same way as bugel. It is suggested that you try the herbs directly associated with your condition for a few weeks to see if your energy levels improve just from improving your thyroid's function.
If taking thyroid-improving herbs have not had much of an effect, add herbs that can help you deal with nutrient deficiency. Supplement your diet with vitamins A, B, C, E and essential fatty acids to keep your energy up. Try herbs like raspberry leaf, chamomile, chickweed, yellow dock, alfalfa, flaxseed and sage, as they are rich sources of these vitamins. L-tyrosine and L-tryptophan are two amino acids that are not properly produced during hypothyroidism, and supplementation can ensure your body can create all the proteins it needs. Copper and zinc are extremely necessary in helping your thyroid improve its metabolic levels and hormone production. Try some sheep sorrel for copper and alfalfa and chamomile for zinc. Take these herbs and nutrients for at least a few weeks to see if your energy levels have improved.
Safe Herbal Energy
If you have had no luck from thyroid enhancement or nutrient boosting, try a few of these herbs to improve your energy. Ginger and turmeric are used to improve digestion, which can in turn improve your nutrient absorption and energy levels. Add them to your food or take them in supplement form. Siberian ginseng can help to increase your energy levels and attack the effects of stress on your body. Gotu kola improves energy, adds strength to blood vessels and improves brain function. Lastly, maitake, which comes from a Chinese mushroom, can help your immune system and fight chronic fatigue.