Tea Tree Oil for Treating Scabies
Tea tree oil has long been regarded for its antimicrobial properties. When scabies burrow under the skin, their bites cause infection. The bites cause itching and when the skin is scratched, infection can spread quickly to other parts of the body. When tea tree oil comes into contact with the skin, it will kill the mites themselves and the bacteria that results from their bites.
In addition to killing the mites and the infection they cause, tea tree oil also has natural soothing properties. However, this only applies to those who do not have a history of sensitive skin. When tea tree oil is applied to the skin, it will sink deep into the pores to reduce inflammation, thereby reducing discomfort. Tea tree oil also has a natural analgesic property, which will help reduce pain in the areas that it is applied to.
Tea tree oil can be applied directly to the skin with a cotton swab or cotton pad for the most effective relief. The oil should be applied only to the affected areas between one and two times per day until the scabies disappears, usually two to three weeks. It should be noted that tea tree oil should never be allowed to touch the eyes, nasal passages or mouth, and those with sensitive skin should never apply tea tree oil directly to the skin. Fortunately, individuals with sensitive skin and scabies can also receive the benefits of tea tree oil. Run enough water in the tub to cover the affected areas then add about 15 drops of oil into the running water. Soak for at least 20 minutes. Be sure to rinse thoroughly afterward.
Although tea tree oil is a natural product, it is not without negative side effects. Individuals affected with sensitive skin who are affected by scabies may find greater skin irritation when tea tree oil is used. Common irritations include burning, redness, and rashes. If discomfort occurs, try decreasing the amount of tea tree oil used. Discontinue use altogether if irritation persists. Consult a doctor for a scabies treatment better suited to your skin type.
A study performed in by The Menzies School of Public Health in Australia proved the effectiveness of tea tree oil over other popular treatments for scabies. The study, done over a two-year period, showed that tea tree oil was more effective in removing scabies than the commonly used insecticides and anti-parasitic medications. The study also demonstrated that terpinen-4-ol was the ingredient in tea tree oil that killed scabies at a faster rate than the other common treatments.