Benefits of Tea Extract
Green Tea
Green tea has become the most popular form of tea in recent years. Derived from green tea leaves, the extract has 20 times more antioxidant properties than vitamin C. Rich in amino acids and a natural source of caffeine, green tea extract has been known to aid in treating a variety of conditions, including anxiety, arthritis, asthma, high cholesterol, weight problems and certain types of cancer. Rather than drinking a cup of green tea, taking green tea extract as a supplement has been shown to be a more effective way to reap the benefits of this tea.
Black Tea
While green tea has, in many regards, taken over the tea-drinking world, its cousin, black tea, should not be overlooked. The antioxidant power of black tea extract is comparable to that of green tea and has been known to offer health benefits of its own. Some of these include preventing cancer growth, averting clogged arteries and reversing weak arterial flow and knocking out viruses like pneumonia, diarrhea, and certain skin conditions.
White Tea
It has been established that the antibacterial and antiviral properties of white tea extract outweigh that of even its popular relative, green tea. White tea has also been known to have antifungal benefits. The extract of this type of tea can help those suffering from staph infections, pneumonia, dental issues and certain types of skin cancer. A recent study has shown remarkable results using white tea extract as a preventative measure against colon cancer.
Oolong Tea
On the oxidation scale, oolong tea lies between black and green teas, which means it boasts a number of healthful properties of its own. This popular Chinese tea has been enjoyed for decades in the East, and its extract can be used to aid any number of medical conditions. Those suffering from type-2 diabetes may find healthier blood sugar results when using oolong tea extract. It has also proven effective in treating streptococci infections, eczema and cavities.
Jasmine Tea
Jasmine tea is produced by mixing jasmine flowers with white, black, or green tea; in some cases, the blooms of the flowers may be used to simply scent the tea before it is packaged. It is no surprise, then, that the extract of jasmine tea bears numerous health benefits. Jasmine tea has been shown to fight the flu, dysentery and dangerous mouth bacteria; it has also been known to reduce the risk of strokes, heart attacks and thrombosis, in addition to lowering blood pressure.