Herbal Remedies for Psoriatic Arthritis
Black cohosh is useful because it relaxes muscles and joints, along with blocking pain receptors. It can also stimulate the appetite and is beneficial to the nervous system. Celery seed is an anti-rheumatic and antispasmodic. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce joint swelling. Chapparel relieves some of the itching of the rash associated with psoriatic arthritis when applied as a poultice. Feverfew has analgesic properties. Nettles are useful applied topically for rash or taken internally to ease pain. Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapple that is beneficial for digestion, but is also utilized because of its anti-inflammatory properties.
Glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, boron, selenium, magnesium, Vitamin K-1 and omega-3 fatty acids are all beneficial for psoriatic arthritis. These supplements are all crucial to the formation of healthy bones and cartilage. Omega-3s also have anti-inflammatory properties that can ease some of the pain associated with psoriatic arthritis. Glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM are often combined into one formula for convenience. A typical dose is 500mgs of glucosamine, 400mgs of chondroitin and 150mgs of MSM three times daily. You can buy glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM as a capsule, a liquid or a soft-chew.
In addition to herbs and supplements, you can alter your lifestyle to ease the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. Achieve and maintain a healthy body weight to reduce inflammation of joints. Get gentle exercise on a regular basis, such as yoga or swimming. Some people also find relief with acupuncture. Hot and cold packs, alternated and applied for 10 to 20 minutes at a time, can provide relief from joint pain. Psoriatic arthritis tends to sap your energy, and any type of arthritis can interfere with mobility, so go slowly and don't push yourself.