Sage Female Menopause Healing
You can drink sage tea up to three times a day with no risk of side effects. To make a fragrant sage tea, combine 1 to 2 teaspoons of the dried herb in one cup of boiling water. Cover and steep between five and ten minutes. Strain and drink. Dried sage is readily available at the grocery store in the spice aisle, or you can grow your own.
Sage can be taken in tincture form to ease the symptoms of hot flashes, stress and decreased lubrication caused by menopause. Tincture of sage can be taken by using 3-15 drops placed in your favorite beverage such as tea, ice water or juice. Take this tincture no more than three times a day to safely get relief from symptoms.
Sage supplements can be purchased through any reputable online herbal source or at your local health food store. A standard dosage for relief of menopausal symptoms is 2 to 3, 600 mg. capsules two times a day with water at mealtimes.
Common, ordinary sage is helpful in reducing the profusion of sweating that happens during hot flashes. Sage also has the ability to moisten the body, lubricating internal tissues such as the vagina. This is helpful because vaginal tissue typically becomes dry and less lubricated during menopause.
Sage is also thought to be an agent that can bring on suppressed menses. Sage may have phytoestrogenic effects on the body that help with estrogen deficiency. It is this effect that makes sage so useful in treating hot flashes specifically, along with other troubling symptoms of menopause.