Vaporizer FAQ
How Does a Vaporizer Work?
A vaporizer works by heating the essential oils in an herb to the point of vaporization. It uses enough heat to vaporize the oils without burning any of the plant material. Users can then breathe in the vapor instead of inhaling smoke as they would when smoking an herb or plant.
What Are the Health Benefits?
Clearly, breathing in vapor is healthier than inhaling smoke. Vapor does not irritate the throat and lungs the way that smoke does. Also, using a vaporizer instead of smoking could help prevent serious health complications such as lung cancer.
Do Vaporizers Come in Different Models?
There are two main types of vaporizers: those that use conduction and those that use convection. Conduction vaporizers heat herbs through direct contact with a hot surface. Convection vaporizers heat herbs by passing heated air over them. Convection vaporizers are considered the superior option because they heat herbs more evenly and there is no risk of burning them, which can sometimes happen with conduction vaporizers.
How Much do Vaporizers Cost?
Vaporizers come in a range of prices depending on quality and features. For example, some vaporizers capture vapor in a bag while others use a hose-like device that allows the user to breathe in the vapor. In general, you can expect to pay anywhere from $150 to over $500 for a vaporizer.
Are There Alternative Uses for Vaporizers?
Some restaurants use vaporizers to produce aromatic effects. A restaurant in Chicago uses vaporizers to release the aromas of various herbs and then traps the vapor in bags, which are used as place mats. When the food is served, the bags are punctured to release the aroma of the herbs.