Liver & Kidney Detox Herbs
The liver and kidney function in different ways but are partners in the same goal. They both eliminate unwanted substances from the body by cleansing the blood and removing waste products. The kidney eliminates by-products and toxins through the urine, and the liver through the intestinal tract. When either of these functions are not working properly, many illnesses can arise in the human body. The liver is the largest organ containing the most blood but is, in many ways, the most forgotten. The liver eliminates waste by producing bile which then moves it through the system. The kidney cleanses the blood but also has a strong effect on the body's fluid balance.
Major Liver Detoxifying Herbs
The most prominent herb used to support liver function is Milk Thistle, Silybum marianum. For anyone dealing with any type of liver ailment it is recommended. It even helps reduce the negative effects on the liver from alcohol consumption. It is well known for cleansing the liver when high amounts of prescription or over the counter medicines are being taken. Even more incredible is the fact that the component silymum found in Milk Thistle can actually promote the regeneration of liver cells. The recommended dose is from 200-400 milligrams up to three times a day and appears to have no adverse side effects.
Major Kidney Detoxifying Herbs
Most of the herbs used to cleanse the kidney have a mild diuretic effect on the body. Unlike synthesized diuretics the herbal ones are gentle on the body and will not cause dehydration used properly. Each also has a soothing and often anti-bacterial quality. Stinging Nettle, Urtica dioca, a well known weed, not only soothes the urinary tract and removes excess fluid but contains healthful vitamins and minerals. Bearberry, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, is a low ground cover native to North America long used for its medicinal properties. Bearberry also cleanses the kidneys and acts as a diuretic. This herb is especially known for curing infections of the bladder and kidney due to a natural antibiotic. It is the leaves of Bearberry that are used and are quite safe. You can take this herb as a tincture,10-20 drops three times a day in water.
Dandelion for Kidney and Liver
Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale, is by far one of the most unpopular weeds. It is hard to believe it is such a useful plant. The leaves and flowers are added to salads as a tonic and the leaves and root are used medicinally. Its well known for its antioxidant properties and high amount of vitamins and minerals. Dandelion has a positive effect on cleansing the liver and the kidneys.The leaves contain the best constituents for the kidneys; use as a tincture 5-10 milliliters three times a day. The root helps to increase bile aiding the liver in clearing toxins, and it is also a mild laxative. Take Dandelion Root as a tincture 5-10 milliliters three times a day. It is important to note that, in high amounts, dandelion leaves can become an all too powerful diuretic, so use as advised.
Taking care of the liver and kidneys should be ongoing. Drinking plenty of water is important to cleanse the body. Water will also help facilitate the herbal remedies used to cleanse. It is also important to protect the liver and kidneys by avoiding contact with materials known to be toxic to the human body.