How to Make Essential Oils at Home

True essential oils are prepared by extracting plant oils using a distiller. The creations of essential oils requires this specialized equipment. There are instructions in the resource section below for making an essential oil distiller, or you can purchase a distiller online.

Rather than making essential oils at home with a distiller, many herbalists opt for a simplified method that is referred to as "infusion." In this method, the components of the plants are infused into vegetable oil. The resulting oil is less concentrated, but this method is much simpler.


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      Buying or Making a Distller

      If you are buying a distiller online, be prepared to pay several hundred dollars. A manufactured distiller will create quality oils and make the most of your plant material.

      You can also make a distiller with instructions from the resource section. If you choose to make your own distiller, be prepared to have a trial and error period as you adjust the distiller to operate optimally. You may lose valuable plant material in the process.

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      Steam Distillation

      The most common and effective way to make essential oil is through steam distillation. This process is also called hydro distillation. Steam distillation uses 3 chambers. There is a chamber to heat water. Steam rises from this chamber and covers plant material held in a second chamber. The third chamber is where the steam cools and releases the plant oils.

      Most plant materials can be used in a distiller at home. However, some very delicate plant materials, such as roses and jasmine, can not be distilled. Instead these require a process called hydrocarbon solvent extraction.

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      To Distill Essential Oils at Home

      Place the chopped plant material in it's holding unit on the distiller. The compartment for water on the distiller is then filled. Heat the water to a boil until steam rises and surrounds the plant material. When the steam reaches the cooling section of the distiller, which you usually fill with ice water, it cools the steam separating the essential oil from the steam as it cools.

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      An Alternative Method to Distillation

      Another way plant oils can be made at home is through a process known as infusion. To make an infused oil at home, you place chopped plant material into a sterile jar of vegetable oil. Olive oil, safflower oil, coconut oil and many other types of cooking oil are acceptable. Allow the plant materials to infuse into the oil for approximately 2 weeks. Shake the plant and oil daily during those two weeks. Strain the plant material from the oil.

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      Storing the Oils

      Regardless of the method you choose to make the essential oils at home, you will want to store the oils in glass. You will also want to label the oils and keep them in a cool place out of direct sunlight. This adds to the shelf life of the oils.

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