Herbs for Toothache Pain
Abscessed Tooth and Tooth Decay
An abscessed tooth is caused when bacteria grows inside a tooth and creates an infected pus substance that infects the tooth and the surrounding area. An abscess should be treated with antibiotics, because this condition can become dangerous if the abscess spreads to other parts of the body. Herbs should be used only as a temporary treatment for the condition until you can see a dentist for further care.
You can apply a tincture of echinacea by soaking a cotton ball or pad with it and applying it to the abscessed tooth or teeth that are causing you pain. This herb also has anesthetic properties and it promotes proper immunological functioning.
Tooth decay can cause considerable tooth pain, and eventually you will need to see your dentist to either fill the cavity or to have the tooth removed. In the meantime, there are several herbs you can use to eliminate tooth pain. You can use two or three drops of clove oil on the affected tooth; clove has antibacterial and anesthetic properties. Finally, you can use a tincture called propolis, a product made from resins honey bees collect that can be used at a dosage of 10 drops of tincture to one dropperful of water.
When you have an earache, the pain can radiate down into the mouth and it can cause tooth pain. To treat tooth pain from an earache, you need to deal with the earache first. Sometimes fluid accumulates in the middle ear and causes pressure buildup; because the middle ear is directly connected to the nasal passages via the eustachian tube, you can sometimes feel the pressure in your face and teeth. To treat an earache until a doctor can be seen, you can put five drops of mullein flowers extract in the affected ear daily. Earaches should be followed up by a doctor, because you can wind up with hearing loss if an ear infection is not properly treated.
When your sinus passages become inflamed due to an infection, your nasal passages are blocked, and this creates pressure in the face, cheeks, mouth and teeth. Dealing with the condition will help to eliminate the tooth pain you are experiencing. Sinusitis can be alleviated by consuming 1 cup of goldenseal decoction three times every day until your symptoms subside. Goldenseal improves immune system functioning and diminishes excessive mucous secretions.