Herbs to Increase Serotonin
Herbal Supplements
Herbs to try for raising serotonin levels include oatstraw, burdock, dandelion, black cohosh, ginseng and wild yam. Dandelion also contains luteolin, an antioxidant. Historically, burdock has been used to treat other conditions ranging from arthritis to diabetes to hair loss, and it's an active ingredient in some cancer treatments. Black cohosh is also taken to help with menopause and related problems. Wild yam is also believed to help the liver and endocrine system. Because it is believed to raise serotonin levels, it is thought to help with some depression, specifically bipolar disorder and seasonal affective disorder. St. John's wort is also taken to alleviate some forms of mild depression.
Taking Herbal Supplements
Because herbs are natural, many believe they are perfectly safe and without side effects. However, many herbs and other natural plant elements were the original basis for medications. Any effective herbs may behave in the body much like other drugs and so should be taken with the same care. Herbs can interact with other drugs, so if you are on medications and wish to add in herbal supplements, be sure to talk with your physician about which herbs you intend to take.
Additional Supplements
L-tryptophan supplements used to be taken to increase serotonin levels, but those have been banned in the United States since 1989. The supplement 5-HTP is considered to be a replacement. The body naturally produces 5-HTP from tryptophan food sources. The 5-HTP is then utilized to produce serotonin. The 5-HTP supplement is made from the seeds of the African plant Griffonia simplicifolia. Another supplement which appears to boost the production of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine is SAMe (s-adenosylmethionine). The body naturally produces SAMe from the amino acid methionine. And while evidence suggests that low levels of SAMe correlate to depression, there have been insufficient studies regarding the use of SAMe to treat depression. Neither 5-HTP nor SAMe should be taken by someone already on an antidepressant.