What is Zinc Chelate?

Zinc is an important mineral in the body that is used in several different functions, from healing after an injury to hair growth. The body receives the bulk of its daily zinc from the foods we eat, but when we get low on zinc we need to take a supplement. Most often this supplement is in the form of a zinc chelate, which allows for rapid absorption of the zinc into the body. Zinc chelate also has uses outside of the body as a fertilizer since plants can become deficient in zinc as well.
  1. Identification

    • Zinc chelate is a zinc ion that has been bonded to organic compounds, those containing carbon. The chelate bonds to a metal ion, in this case zinc, creating a complex molecule. In the case of zinc chelate, the organic compounds break down easily in the body allowing the zinc ion to be freely absorbed into the bloodstream.


    • Zinc is a metal that is used by the body for a number of fundamental biological functions, including healing, fertility, hair growth and immunity. When the body lacks sufficient amounts of the metal, you can begin seeing negative effects, such as brittle and damaged hair and eventually hair loss, susceptibility to illness and difficulty healing.

    Zinc Deficiency

    • Since zinc chelate is so easily absorbed into the body, it is possible to go from having a deficiency of the mineral to having too much. Zinc is found naturally in food and if you take too much of the supplements, you can build an excess of the metal in your body. Symptoms of too much zinc include nausea, problems with the immune system, and eventually the lowering of good cholesterol levels. Eventually, it can interfere with the absorption of other minerals, such as iron.

    Where to Find Zinc Chelate

    • Zinc chelate is prevalent in most vitamin supplements available in most grocery and drug stores. It can also usually be found as a separate supplement if you need more than is provided in the vitamin supplements. You can also find supplements on the Internet at a variety of websites, such as Affordable Supplements. Be wary when buying anything, especially supplements or medications, and make sure that you buy from a reputable company. Otherwise, you could end up with an inferior product.

    Zinc Chelate in Fertilizer

    • The human body isn't the only living thing that can become deficient in zinc. Plants may become deficient in the metal as well and must receive zinc supplements similar to humans. Without zinc, plants will not grow in a proper manner. Zinc chelate can be mixed with water and administered to the crops in a variety of ways.

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