Herbs Used for Toothaches
The symptoms of a toothache include:
Throbbing pain in the jaw
Pain or sensitivity in a tooth, specifically when eating sweet or sour foods, or when drinking hot or cold beveragesOther symptoms that may indicate an abscess or cavity include:
A metallic taste in the mouth
A red and swollen jaw or cheek
Breath that has a foul odor
The types of herbs that can be used to calm toothache pain and the associated symptoms include:
Cloves seeds are used as a local anesthetic and for bad breath.
Echinacea is used as a poultice made from the roots can be applied externally to a sore jaw or cheek.
Dandelion roots and leaves are used in a tea to support the immune system.
Burdock roots are used in a tea that purifies the blood.
Garlic bulbs are eaten and used as an anti-inflammatory.
Peppermint leaves are chewed to eliminate bad breath.
Thyme leaves of the plant are used in a tea as an antibiotic.
Eucalyptus infusion is made of the leaves and water and used as an antiseptic.
When you take an herbal remedy instead of an over-the-counter toothache remedy, you know exactly what the ingredients are. There aren't any preservatives, fillers, artificial colors or flavors in freshly made herbal remedies. Individuals who use these remedies know that the only ingredients in a mixture are the specific herb and an occasional solvent such as water, alcohol or a plant-based oil.
Herbs used for toothaches can interact with other drugs a person may be taking. It is always important to discuss any herbal treatment with a physician or pharmacist to determine whether it will create an adverse reaction with a prescription medication. In addition, some herbal remedies can cause unpleasant side effects, such as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and hives. Be sure to always understand the potential side effects of any herbal remedy before you take it.
While herbal remedies for a toothache can temporarily help quell pain or mask bad breath, a dentist should be seen for a correct diagnosis of the problem. Toothaches may signal more serious problems such as an abscessed tooth, infected gums or a cavity. These problems require a course of antibiotics to prevent the spread of an infection or tooth loss. Cavities will require a filling to save the tooth from further decay.