How to Make Garlic Tincture: Recipe and Dosage
Things You'll Need
- Large mason jar
- Vodka or Vinegar
- Garlic
Chop the Garlic
You can use fresh or dried garlic. The garlic must be chopped finely. To do this use a food grinder, food processor, or mortar and pestle.
Fresh Garlic Extraction
To extract the medicinal properties of the garlic place the chopped garlic in a glass jar. Put twice the amount of vodka or vinegar as garlic into the jar. For example, if you used 1 cup of garlic put in 2 cups of vodka or vinegar.
Dried Garlic Extraction
If the garlic is dried, put vodka or vinegar in the jar at the ratio of 5 times the amount of garlic. More liquid is needed for dried garlic because the garlic absorbs the liquid and puffs up as the medicinal components are extracted. The garlic should be covered with liquid throughout the process of making tincture.
Processing the Garlic Tincture
Screw the lid on the jar tightly and shake it. Allow the garlic tincture to rest in the jar for 2 weeks. Shake the tincture daily. It is helpful to label the jar, "garlic tincture" and add the date of preparation, so you know when the 2 weeks has passed.
Straining the Garlic
After 2 weeks has passed, strain the garlic from the liquid. You can do this using a colander, strainer, or cheese cloth.
Storing the Garlic Tincture
Put the garlic tincture in dark colored glass jars with a dropper. Label them "garlic tincture" and again write the date of preparation on the bottle. Tinctures last several years when stored in a cool, dark place.
Garlic Tincture Uses and Dosage
Garlic tincture can be used externally for the treatment of viral skin infections (athlete's foot), wounds, or ulcers. Garlic tincture can also be used as a natural remedy for flu, viruses, strep, worms, respiratory ailments, high blood pressure, colds, kidney problems, bladder problems, or ear aches when taken orally. Adults can take as much as 5 drops 4 times per day orally.