Herbal Acid Reflux Treatment
Stop Your Symptoms
Try each of these three herbal remedies independently of one another to stop your symptoms as soon as you notice them, and figure out which one that works best for you.
Anise is an herbal remedy that has been used frequently in Chinese and Indian medicine. It is a natural antacid and it can be used instead of Rolaids or Tums. Prepare it as an infusion by adding seven teaspoons of herbal aniseed to a quart of boiling water.
Meadowsweet has tannins that can help to soothe stomach problems, such as peptic ulcers, gastritis and heartburn. Take 200 milliliters three times a day after noticing heartburn or a stomachache.
Slippery elm is an herb from damp forests in the United States and Canada. When mixed with warm water or milk it can help with indigestion and heartburn. You can purchase capsules of the herb at a local health food store; doses are typically 400 milligrams three times a day (See Reference 1).
Heal Your Stomach
Once you have stopped your immediate symptoms, you can start to heal the damage that the acid has caused. Try these two herbs to heal the stomach and the esophagus.
Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) is an herb that can repair the inner mucus lining of the stomach and over time, it can prevent heartburn and other acid effects. Take two 380-milligram wafers three times a day in between your meals.
Aloe vera juice can be taken to soothe the irritation in your esophagus. Use an aloe vera juice that is 98 percent pure with no presence of aloin or aloe-emodin. Take two cups of the juice in between each meal (See References 1 and 2).
Improve Digestion
Finally, use these three herbs to improve your digestion to help limit the production of acid.
Extracts from the cinnamon plant can increase the efficiency of your digestion as well as bring a warming feeling to your body. Either add cinnamon to your food or make it into a tisane.
Peppermint can help with the flow of gastric juices in the stomach. Make a peppermint herbal infusion with one heaping teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves in a cup of boiling water. Steep it for ten minutes and then strain out the leaves. Drink the infusion three times per day.
Devil's claw has a dual purpose: it increases the nutrient absorption of food and strengthens digestion over time. Take 1.5 to 2 grams of this herb every day.
By stopping the symptoms, healing your stomach and then taking steps to improve your digestive process, you will be able to severely limit the effects of acid reflux disease (See Reference 1).