Side Effects of Bugleweed
The Facts
Information concerning the safety and effectiveness of Bugleweed comes solely from animal studies. While these findings do not guarantee results in humans, Bugleweed is generally regarded as safe when used in moderation and with caution.
Improper Dosage
Improper dosage of Bugleweed can cause mild to serious side effects such as a harmful decrease in thyroid function, thyroid enlargement and toxicity. Bugleweed should not be used for extended periods of time without consulting a physician. Follow the product specific directions on the package as proper dosage is based on the user's age, weight and health.
Combining Bugleweed with other herbs, supplements or medications could produce unwanted side effects. Bugleweed should not be used in conjunction with thyroid drugs, hormone replacement drugs, beta blockers or diabetes medications.
Bugleweed may cause serious side effects. Do not use if you have a heart condition, an underactive pituitary, endocrine disorder, thyroid condition, hypogonadism or osteoporosis. Tell your physician when taking Bugleweed as he may wish to test for hormone changes due to Bugleweed use.
Bugleweed can cause severe allergic reactions. Symptoms include tightness in the chest, difficulty breathing, itching, rash and hives. Bugleweed can also cause tingling and facial swelling, including the throat, as well as swelling and tingling in the hands.
Bugleweed is not recommended for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding due to its endocrine effects. Consult a physician prior to taking Bugleweed if you take oral contraceptives or fertility drugs.
Nuclear Medicine
Bugleweed also interferes with certain diagnostic tests using radioactive isotopes such as a PET scan. Inform your physician that you are taking Bugleweed prior to having any diagnostic procedures.