How to Make Herb Capsules

Herbs can be made into capsules, like the ones purchased in health food stores, by drying the herb and then crushing it. This is a great way to give herbs to kids who might otherwise refuse the herb. It is also a great way to take herbs that are bitter or do not have an appealing flavor.


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      Dry the Herb

      You can dry herbs in a variety of ways. A sunny window, hanging upside down to air dry, or a dehydrator all work well. Just be sure the air can freely circulate around the herb. Herbs that are kept out of direct sun light while drying are generally more potent.

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      Crushing or Powdering the Herb

      This can be done using a coffee grinder, a spice mill, a food processor, or more traditionally a mortar and pestle.

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      Filling the Herb Capsule

      Empty capsules can be purchased online or at your local health food store. These empty capsules pull apart. After opening the capsule scoop up some of the crushed herb with each end. After filling both ends of the capsule with herb, push the capsule back together.

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      Taking the Herb Capsules

      When taking dried herbs it is important to note that the amount of herb in one powdered herb capsule is equivalent of 8 times its weight in fresh herb. Use this ratio to ensure you do not take to much of a specific herb.

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