Importance of Panax Ginseng
Male Fertility and Sex Drive
One of the oldest uses for this herb in traditional Chinese medicine is the enhancement of sexual performance and fertility in men. While studies on human subjects are limited, a few have found it increased sperm count and motility as well as libido.
Mental and Physical Performance
Studies observing the effect of Panax ginseng on mental acuity and physical performance have been mixed. People using ginseng often report feeling more alert and awake. Studies show it can improve concentration, memory and the ability to do mental arithmetic. Studies in both humans and animals observed an increase in strength, endurance and agility. It can also decrease fatigue.
Stress and Well-being
Another traditional use for Panax ginseng is stress reduction and enhancing general well-being. Several well designed studies support this historical use. A particular study conducted in Mexico City observed significant improvement in quality of life measures such as sleep, energy, sexual activity and personal satisfaction.
Cardiovascular and Respiratory
Asian ginseng contributes to heart health in several ways. It decreases "bad" cholesterol and raises "good" cholesterol. Normally, people with high blood pressure should avoid this herb because it can raise pressure, but several studies found that higher doses than normally suggested actually lowered blood pressure. You should not supplement with this herb without consulting with your doctor if you have high blood pressure or any type of heart condition. Studies testing this herb on patients with serious chronic breathing problems like emphysema and chronic bronchitis found daily treatment allowed patients to walk farther and longer, indicating an improvement in respiratory function.
Cancer and Alzheimer's Disease
Asian ginseng has the potential to prevent as well as treat certain types of cancer. A study observing different populations of people over time indicates that regular use decreases the likelihood of getting a variety of cancers including lung, liver, stomach, pancreatic and ovarian. It did not indicate any benefit for cancers of the breast, bladder or cervix. Animal and human studies conclude it may slow the advancement of Alzheimer's and improve memory and behavior. Studies observing larger numbers of people are necessary.
Immunity and Menopause
Panax ginseng enhances immune function which may help combat disease and infection. Women going through menopause might experience an improved mood and a general sense of well-being with use of the herb.