What Is Holy Basil Used for?
Spiritual Significance
Believed to be the incarnation of the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi, holy basil holds a sacred place in an Indian household. Symbolizing divinity and health, the holy basil plant is believed to purify those who touch it and give health to those who pray to it. Worshiped in the morning and the evening, the holy basil plant is believed to bring peacefulness and purity to its surroundings, as well.
Holy basil may also have religious significance in Christianity. Found at Calvary where Jesus was crucified and near his tomb after his death, some Christian churches place holy basil on their altars and use it when blessing holy water.
For Breaking a Fever
Combining a half-liter of boiling water, holy basil leaves, cardamom powder, milk and sugar may be an effective tonic for breaking a high fever. An extract of holy basil leaves mixed in fresh water and given every 2 to 3 hours is recommended as an Ayurvedic tonic for relieving a mild fever in children.
For Cold Symptoms
A decoction of holy basil with honey and ginger is an Ayurvedic remedy for bronchitis and asthma, as well as the flu and the common cold. Boiling holy basil leaves and drinking it as a tea may remedy a sore throat. When cooled, this may also be used as a sore throat gargle. Chewing the leaves of the holy basil plant is also recommended to relieve the symptoms of a cold.
Combating Stress
Known as an antigen or anti-stress agent, holy basil is said to balance the mind, nerves and emotions. Believed to protect against environmental toxins and pollution, holy basil may also be taken to strengthen immune function.
Additional Uses
Containing vitamin C, carotene, calcium and phosphorus, holy basil (tulasi) supplements may help the skin stay clear and healthy.
Chewing holy basil leaves may relieve mouth infections and mouth ulcers. Natural toothpaste can be made by creating a paste from dried, powdered holy basil leaves and combining them with mustard oil. This doubles as an Ayurvedic remedy for disorders of the teeth and gums.