Natural Cures for a Yeast Infection During the 3rd Trimester

Every trimester in pregnancy brings new symptoms and changes along with the various hormones created to sustain and grow a healthy baby. In the third trimester, problems with yeast infections can arise due to the human placental lactogen hormone and its effects on the mother's metabolism. When symptoms arise, many health care providers encourage pregnant women to seek out natural remedies instead of prescribing an anti-fungal medication due to the untested status of these medications with regard to fetuses.
  1. Signs and Symptoms

    • Natural remedies work best when an infection is in its early stages. When entering the third trimester, pay close attention to symptoms and warning signs that there is an infection. According to Karen Maschue, professional midwife, certified nurse, and founder of St. Raymond's Home Birthing, the initial signs to look for with a vaginal yeast infection include a higher than normal level of fatigue, an increased urge to urinate, vaginal dryness and sensitivity during intercourse. As the infection worsens, a foul odor, vaginal itching and vaginal dryness may result.


    • According to Karen Maschue, probiotics should be the initial treatment option when eliminating a yeast infection. Probiotics can be taken both orally and vaginally. When considering an oral dosage, consult a healthcare provider, as most will recommend a dosage higher than manufacturer recommendations. For vaginal treatment, insert one capsule directly into the vagina three times a day until the symptoms disappear. If irritation has begun to occur, consider using a comfrey-calendula cream, such as "Blissful Babies Soothing Cream," combined with a capsule to soothe the irritated skin.


    • A natural antifungal, garlic can provide fast relief for a yeast infection, explains Karen Maschue. This treatment is only recommended where there is no irritation, as the garlic juices can sting the skin and make irritation worse. For this treatment, cut a small square of cheesecloth, dice a clove of garlic and tie it into a bundle. Leave the string at least 5 inches long to ensure easy removal. Insert the garlic vaginally and leave overnight. Carefully remove and dispose of the bundle in the morning.

    Digestive Enzymes

    • During pregnancy, hormones produced by the fetal presence slow the digestive process. When digestion is slowed, foods ferment and cause yeast bacteria to form. According to Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN NP and founder of Woman to Woman Clinic, digestive enzymes can be used to assist in the efficient digestion of food to assist in a decrease of overall yeast formation. Marcelle Pick recommends enzymes such as "Betaine HCl" and "Candex" as they are vitamin based and gentle on the stomach. These enzymes are typically used in the treatment of GERD.

    Candida Diet

    • Healthcare providers agree that an effective way to ensure a smooth, yeast-free third trimester is to avoid foods that cause yeast outbreaks. While a formal Candida diet removes all sources of dairy and fruit and is not healthy for a pregnant woman, a modified diet can be utilized. According to Marcelle Pick, foods with white sugar and flour should be avoided completely, as they reduce the immune system's overall effectiveness
      According to Karen Maschue, fruits high in vitamin C are essential during the last trimester. They not only boost the immune system but strengthen the uterus to ensure a smooth labor.

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