Natural Home Remedy for a Yeast Infection
Changes at Home
Sleeping without panties for at least eight hours can prevent the warm, damp environment in which yeast grows. Ventilating as much as possible will help to prevent the spread, so loose clothing made of a natural fabric that allows air good circulation will help. Avoid chemical lubricants, tampons, douches and spermicides. Keep yourself healthy with good exercise, eating habits and plenty of rest sleep. Avoid using tobacco products, alcohol, drugs or caffeine.
Here's a good recipe for a healing bath: Add a ½ cup of salt and a ½ cup of vinegar to a shallowly filled tub and sit it in until it gets cool. You can also douche with a mixture of 4 teaspoons of vinegar to 1 pint of water to attempt to re-balance the natural pH.
Herbal and Food Home Remedies
By administering antifungal remedies into your vagina with a tampon, you may be able to take care of the problem. Putting a bit of lactobacillus acidophilus containing yogurt on a tampon and inserting it into the vagina twice a day can re-balance the levels of bacteria and fungus. Using a tampon with a few drops of tea tree oil can fight the fungus back. Even creating a little garlic tampon by wrapping a fresh garlic clove in cheesecloth, tying it with unwaxed dental floss and leaving it in for a few hours can help to fight the infection. Drinking cranberry juice is often recommended for vaginal infections, but other dietary additions should include brown rice, buckwheat, millet, chicken soup, lemons and grapefruits (but no oranges). Herbs that may be of help are osha and reishi.
Homeopathic Remedies
Calcarea carbonica can be used for women who are suffering from itching and burning. Kali bichromicum and natrum muriaticum are two homeopathic remedies for yeast infections. Other homeopathic remedies include pulsatilla, sepia and sulphur. Consult a licensed homeopathic practitioner for dosage and to choose the proper medications