Bach Flower Remedies for Children
History and Development
The Bach flower remedies are a collection of 38 flower essences developed by Dr. Edward Bach. In the 1930s Dr. Bach began developing a system of healing that uses the vibration of different flowers to soothe emotional distress. He was convinced that emotional pain led to physical illness, and physical illness could be traced back to emotional pain. To make flower essences, the flowers are placed into a clear glass bowl of water. The bowl is then placed in the sun for several hours. The sun acts to imprint the vibration of the flower onto the water.
General Support
Navigating the social intricacies of school, discovering their strengths and weaknesses in education, or weathering a difficult situation at home are just a few difficulties that children encounter. Children are very sensitive, which makes them quite receptive to the gentle healing nature of flower essences.
Each of the 38 Bach flower remedies help with a different emotional state. If the child is apprehensive and fearful without having a clear idea of what it is they fear, aspen essence may help to bring confidence to the child. Or if the child is overly domineering, vine essence can help the child learn compassion. For a full list of the Bach Flower Essences, visit the Dr. Edward Bach Center (see References). If a child is going through a particularly difficult time it might help to work with a trained flower essence practitioner.
Severe Trauma
Dr. Edward Bach developed a 39th remedy called Rescue Remedy. It's a combination of five essences chosen from the original 38: cherry plum, clematis, impatiens, rock rose and star of Bethlehem. In cases of severe trauma, rescue remedy can help ease the pain of the moment allowing the child to cope with the situation. Keep rescue remedy close by for falls, scrapes and bruises, or for emotional distress use it as a supplement to traditional therapy.
Administering Flower Essences
The best way to administer flower essences to children is by simply placing a few drops of the remedy in a cup of water. In the case of severe trauma or when a child is unable to drink the essence, you can dilute it in water and then rub it gently on the child's skin with a cotton pad. There are no side effects associated with flower remedies.