Herbal Tea Treatment for Hives
Calm Down
Stress can cause you to break out in hives or make your existing hives even worse. Keep your calm by drinking teas such as chamomile, peppermint, valerian, passionflower or catnip. These teas will soothe your nerves and help you relax.
Encourage Proper Digestion
Keeping your digestive tract properly flowing is another key to reducing hives; keeping food sitting in your stomach and intestines for too long irritates them. Promote good digestion by drinking green tea. Green tea may also help you lose weight or maintain proper body weight.
Dealing with Pain
Hives hurt and they itch, sometimes unbearably, but you want to avoid scratching them and possibly causing an infection. Drinking teas made of lemon balm, St. John's wort or peppermint can reduce both the pain and inflammation of hives and minimize the itching.
Healing the Hives
Nettle tea is another herbal tea treatment to clear up hives. If you find the taste not to your liking, add some lemon or honey to make it more palatable. Licorice and chamomile both act as anti-inflammatories, so drinking them in a tea form may ease the pain and itch of hives. Or try some burdock tea. Take the seeds, leaves and roots of the plant, steep them in water, and it as drink as a tea. Again, honey or lemon can help to reduce the unpleasant taste if needed.
Consult a Physician
In the event that your hives persist, and the teas only provide mild or temporary relief, see your doctor to make sure your hives aren't a symptom of something more serious.