Home Remedies for Infections
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has been utilized for its antiseptic qualities for centuries, according to University of Maryland's Medical Center. This plant is commonly used for skin burns and abrasions to relieve pain as well as reduce the amount of inflammation that is encountered. The main ingredients within aloe include polysaccharides and glycoproteins. Both are utilized by the body to relive pain and reduce inflammation. Polysaccharides are mainly used by the body to boost the skins ability to grow and repair itself. Its antiseptic qualities will kill harmful germs and bacteria that cause infections and if the infection is located on the skin, it will also allow the skin to repair any physical damage.
For external infections, wash the area clean and apply a liberal amount of aloe gel directly to the infection. Do not apply to an open wound, as this can cause complications during the healing process. Always consult your physician before starting treatment with aloe to ensure its safety for your particular infection.
Tea Tree Oil
The oil from the tea tree is commonly used for skin infections due to its powerful antiseptic properties. For bacterial infections within the skin, topical application of this oil will kill germs and harmful bacteria that cause common infections. The properties within this oil allow it to soak deeply into the skin, which is ideal for infections such as athlete's foot. While this remedy is an effective external treatment, the oil is toxic if consumed, thus it should never be taken internally.
When you are purchasing tea tree oil, make sure that the oil comes in a dark glass vial, as light lowers the potency of the ingredients. You are able to dilute the oil with one part oil, two parts water; however, this should only be done for infections that are extremely sensitive to touch. Pour 1 tsp. of oil into a container and liberally soak a cotton ball in the solution. Apply a generous amount directly to the infection once per day until the infection has disappeared.