Menopause Herbal Remedies
Dong Quai, Ginseng, Kelp and Alfalfa
One of the most vital herbal cures for menopausal women is dong quai. Aiding in relieving hot flashes, this herb is not only rich in estrogen, it also has ingredients that help make blood vessels stable. While ginseng contains precursors of progesterone and testosterone hormones, alfalfa helps stimulate production of estrogen, which elevates the reduced estrogen level in menopausal women. You could also take the seaweed kelp, due to its testosterone- and progesterone-stimulating agents. It helps control fluctuating mood swings when taken as a powder or in cooked food.
Black Cohosh, Sarsaparilla, False Unicorn Root and Raspberry
Black cohosh is another important natural menopause remedy. Rich in ingredients that help your body secrete the necessary amount of estrogen, black cohosh helps with uterine spasms and cramps that often accompany menopause. Take 1 teaspoon of black cohosh juice every day. You could also take 1 teaspoon of dried and powdered sarsaparilla to benefit from the progesterone and testosterone stimulating ingredients to help with energy levels. You can get effective relief from hormonal imbalance, loss of sex drive, uterine irregularities and cramping with daily consumption of 2 teaspoons of false unicorn root powder or a tea made with 2 teaspoons of dried raspberry leaves in a cup of boiling water.
Licorice, Gingko Biloba, Oats and Nettle
Licorice root that you can make into a tea has effects similar to that of estrogen. This aids better management of hormonal conditions during menopause. Ginkgo biloba, on the other hand, aids in treating the cold sweats and forgetfulness, common in menopausal women. Oats eaten as a food or oatstraw consumed as a drink as an infusion will balance in the fluctuating hormonal levels. You could also drink two cups of nettle tea a day, for regularization of hormones during menopause.
Other Herbal Remedies
While chasteberry helps stimulate progesterone secretion, onions help maintain regular bone density, both of which are affected in menopausal women. A brew of two parts each of milk thistle seeds and motherwort, half a part of rosemary and a quarter part of ginseng blended together with boiling water and steeped for half an hour forms a potent brew for hot flash relief.