Homemade Remedies for Bunions
Turmeric is a spice with ingredients that block production of pain-generating substances. Take an inch of turmeric root and grind it. Place a teaspoon of this paste directly on the bunion region twice a day. You can also use turmeric in your cooking to get the ideal consumption of about six teaspoons daily. The anti-inflammatory components of this herb help alleviate pain.
Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce bunion-related pains. Consume about four teaspoons of ginger powder in your meals as a seasoning or drink as a brewed tea with honey and tea leaves. Direct topical application of this herb has effects similar to that of turmeric.
Red Pepper
One of the most vital home cures for bunions is red pepper, beneficial for its Capsicum component, which has inflammatory pain reduction functions. You can eat red pepper and use it for topical application as well. Have half a red pepper as part of your meals and rub the rest on the bunion-affected toe. The Capsicum component of the pepper provides relief by preventing pain nerves from secreting substances that increase pain.
Pineapple forms a potent natural treatment for bunions because of its protein-dissolving enzyme bromelain, which offers relief from inflammation and joint problems. You can have about 200 grams of raw pineapple every day. You can also replace pineapple with any fruit containing proteolytic enzymes such as papaya or have a combination of both with generous doses of ginger.
The salicin component of willow makes it an effective pain and inflammation relieving natural agent for bunion treatment. Salicylates are easily absorbed by the skin, so you can expect positive results when you wrap the dark inner willow bark around your bunion area. You can also add some of it to your tea for added benefits.
Because of its unadulterated anesthetic compound eugenol, clove oil, which is usually prescribed for toothaches, can be effectively applied to a bunion. Add a few drops of this to some cotton wool and apply directly to the affected toe twice a day.
General Measures
While topical application of a few drops of chamomile oil can help reduce inflammation, a couple of teaspoons of dried arnica, or mountain daisy flowers, can be used in a tea for reducing pain. You can also drink parsley juice and apply the gel of the aloe vera plant twice a day to reduce the redness and pain. Most importantly, wear loose shoes which do not restrict your toes.