Natural Herbs to Lose Weight

Many people want to lose weight and turn to many different things for help, including special diets, exercise, diet pills and herbs. The natural herbs one can use to help with weight loss are usually safer than some of the diet programs and pills offered on the market today.
  1. Bitter Orange

    • Bitter orange is a natural herb that works much like ephedra. Bitter orange and ephedra both contain antagonists that help in weight loss by increasing metabolism. This herb should not be used if you have high blood pressure or heart disease.

    Hoodia Gordonii

    • Hoodia gordonii is a medicinal herb that comes from the deserts of South Africa. It is useful as a natural appetite suppressant. It also helps in weight loss because it lowers blood sugar levels, which in turn lowers insulin circulating in the blood, which in turn then reduces fat storage.


    • This herb works by breaking down fat deposits. It can also stimulate the metabolism by increasing the function of the thyroid.

    Garcina Cambogia

    • Garcina cambogia can help with weight loss because it can make meals more filling. It is traditionally used in southeast Asia. It is a natural appetite suppressant and decreases the body's ability to form fatty tissue caused by overeating.

    Green Tea

    • Green tea can help burn calories and therefore help with weight loss. Green tea can be taken as an extract or liquid.

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