Home Remedies for Dissolving Hemorrhoids
The Causes
The pressure can be brought on by pregnancy, obesity, lack of exercise, constipation or aging; the structures in the anal area progressively weaken as we age. Sitting or standing for long periods of time can also increase pressure on the area.
The Remedies
Slowly adding more fiber to the diet can relieve constipation and pressure. Eating one to three prunes per day can be very helpful.
"I suggest beets and beet greens as a major part of the diet for as long as 40 days, if necessary, to detoxify the liver and relieve hemorrhoids," says Kartar Khalsa, DOM, a physician and acupuncturist in Espanola, New Mexico.
Rich in potassium, manganese and folate, beets can help reduce pressure and improve circulation to the affected area. The fiber and antioxidants reduce constipation and inflammation in the liver and rectal veins. Try cooked beet roots and greens as a good portion of your diet until the hemorrhoids shrink.
The plant Butcher's Broom contains properties that have a history known for relieving hemorrhoids and varicose veins. They are believed to improve the integrity of the veins and shrink the swollen tissue. The extract is usually recommended in capsule or tea form. It can also be effective when applied as an ointment or compress.
Gel from the aloe vera plant relieves the pain of hemorrhoids and soothes the burn and itch. Warm (not hot) tea on a cotton ball several times a day, or as needed, can bring relief, as can witch hazel in the same application. A dab of apple cider or plain vinegar stops the itching and burning and its astringent properties help shrink swollen blood vessels.
Drinking plenty of water keeps the digestive process moving along. Think of your body as a toilet---it needs to be flushed. Blockages are one of the main causes of hemorrhoids, so drink at least eight, 8-oz. glasses of water a day.
These home remedies should help to keep hemorrhoids at bay and ease the discomfort of a flare-up. Thankfully, hemorrhoidectomies are mostly a thing of the past. According to Mary Maloney, Nurse Practitioner in New Boston, Michigan, "surgery on hemorrhoids are not as effective as they are painful. It's best to care for them topically and/or internally if you can find something that works for you. Only in rare cases would we recommend surgery these days."
Always consult your medical practitioner before taking herbal supplements, especially when combined with prescription drugs.