How Much Yohimbe Is Good to Take Daily?
What is Yohimbe?
Yohimbe is present in most over-the-counter sexual enhancement pills. Separately, yohimbe is taken as an aphrodisiac or as a supplement to decrease sexual side effects from some medications, especially antidepressants. You can purchase yohimbe supplements, which are usually in caplet form, at your local drugstore, grocery store or at an online herbal retailer. Consult your doctor before taking yohimbe to make sure it will not interact with any other medications you are taking.
How Much Yohimbe to Take?
Always follow the directions that accompany your yohimbe supplements. Yohimbe is not approved by the FDA, so there are no accepted usage instructions. Most suppliers recommend approximately 2 to 5 milligrams of yohimbe daily. In most bottles, this will be the equivalent of two pills. Take one pill per day first, and if you do not experience any side effects, take two pills per day. Continue to monitor your symptoms while you are taking yohimbe supplements. Do not exceed 40 milligrams per day.
Yohimbe causes negative side effects in some people, including increased blood pressure, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Consult your doctor before taking yohimbe, especially if you have high blood pressure or have a history of kidney problems. If you experience a rash, swelling of the face or mouth, or a fever, contact your doctor immediately or go to the emergency room.