Herbal Colon Detox
Popular Colon Cleansing Herbs
Garlic should be kept in the house at all times because of its many benefits. In terms of colon cleansing, it is considered a vermifuge and a vermicide. A vermifuge flushes a parasite out and a vermicide actually kills the parasite. Garlic flushes out and kills the parasite, which is extremely important in detoxifying the colon. Wormwood and black walnut hulls are also excellent herbs in killing parasites and cleaning the colon, but they both have a bitter taste. They can be purchased in a tincture, which can be diluted in a cup of water. Pumpkin seed is also great colon cleanser. Many of these herbs can be taken together. Purchase these herbs in many different ways to ingest. For example, many herbs come in teas, tablet form or a tincture. Due to the unpleasant taste for some of these herbs, it may be best to take them in tablet form. For example, it may not be the best idea to eat a clove of garlic when you are on your way to a social gathering.
Diet and Nutrition
While taking herbs for your colon detoxification, it is important you do not eat foods that contribute to the problem. During your detox, make sure you are drinking plenty of water. This ensures the body is able to flush out all the toxins that the herbs are killing. Also, be sure you are eating foods high in fiber. This includes fruits, vegetables and beans.
Essiac Tea
There are herbal teas that would be great to take as well. Essiac tea is, by far, one of the best herbal teas to clean the colon and heal the body. The herbs in Essiac tea are specific toward colon cleansing which means you can drink Essiac tea and do nothing more. Essiac tea contains burdock root, slippery elm bark, sheep sorrel and Turkey rhubarb. These herbs work together to cleanse the digestive tract and the colon.