Herbal Cures for High Blood Pressure
Uncontrolled high blood pressure is responsible for heart attack and stroke in people who likely were not aware that they had the condition. There are no symptoms of high blood pressure and it is important that blood pressure be checked frequently to detect any problems.
Some of the causes of high blood pressure that are under your control are weight, salt intake, excessive alcohol use, inactive lifestyle and high stress.
Herbal and Nutritional Treatments
Garlic is one of the most popular remedies for heart disease, cholesterol and blood pressure. Garlic has the ability to eliminate plaque, lower cholesterol and prevent blood clots. Blood pressure can be improved with the addition of one clove of garlic every day. Garlic supplements can be used to lower blood pressure and cholesterol as well.
Brown rice and boiled potatoes are food choices that should be included in a diet to lower blood pressure. Brown rice has a relaxing effect on the nervous system, which can help to soothe the symptoms of high blood pressure. Potatoes have the benefits of potassium when they are boiled without sodium.
Parsley has the ability to maintain blood vessels and ensure a healthy arterial system.About 20 g parsley should be simmered in 250 ml water to create a beverage. Drink the simmered parsley a few times a day for the best results.
Hawthorn is another herb that has shown an effect on blood pressure when it was given to patients in a study on diabetic patients. Seventy-one percent of the patients who were given hawthorn in this study were using high blood pressure medicine as well. Patients who received the herb had a reduction in their blood pressure at the end of the 16-week UK study in 2002. The study took place at Reading University and was led by Dr. Ann Walker.
Fish oil also has a slight effect on blood pressure. The ingredient docohexaenoic acid is believed to be responsible for lower blood pressure numbers.
Nutrition and Blood Pressure Checks
Herbal remedies can work wonders on high blood pressure, but there must be attention paid to diet and exercise. Lowering the amount of consumed sodium is an important part of lowering blood pressure. Herbal cures and remedies cannot counter the ill effects of a poor diet.
Monitoring blood pressure for those who have been diagnosed with high blood pressure is an important part of treatment. The only way to see the effect that herbal remedies have had on blood pressure is with frequent monitoring.