Serenoa Side Effects
Pancreatitis or Hepatitis
In rare instances, the use of saw palmetto may induce or contribute to the development of pancreatitis or hepatitis. The exact cause is unknown and there have only been a handful of cases where this has happened after prolonged use of the supplement.
According to doctors from St. Agnes Healthcare in Maryland, one such patient used saw palmetto intermittently over a period of four years. Two other patients had similar episodes after continuously starting and stopping their use of the supplement.
If you are allergic to plant-based products you should use caution when using saw palmetto. Because it comes from a plant, if you have an allergic reaction you may develop a rash or skin irritation. Any reaction of this sort should be immediately reported to your physician.
While most of these side effects are rare, many can be very serious. If you notice that your eyes or skin are becoming yellow you should stop the use of saw palmetto and notify your physician of your symptoms immediately. This may be a sign that the serenoa supplement is having a negative impact on the function of your liver.
Urination Difficulties
You may find that after taking serenoa you are having trouble passing urine or are experiencing pain while doing so. You may also find that your urine is turning dark yellow or brown. These may be signs that the saw palmetto supplement you are taking is having a negative impact on your kidneys and/or liver. These symptoms should also be immediately reported to your physician.
Other Serious Side Effects
There are several other serious side effects of serenoa that should be immediately reported to your health-care provider. Call your doctor if you have abdominal pain, fevers, chills, pain in your side or lower back, severe nausea or vomiting. These symptoms may all point towards a negative reaction to the saw palmetto supplement and should be monitored to ensure you do not develop an infection or kidney and liver damage.
Additional Common Side Effects
Occasionally individuals taking serenoa report experiencing breast tenderness, breast enlargement, headaches, heartburn and mild nausea. Your body may be adjusting to the supplement and these symptoms may go away on their own but if they become bothersome you should report them to your physician immediately.