Natural Cortisol Reduction
Vitamin B5 Supplementation
Vitamin B5, which is also known as pantothenic acid, is used to control and manage stress levels. Within the body, this vitamin works to stabilize stress hormones, specifically cortisol, as well as increase the production of hormones that counterbalance the negative affects of stress. With its ability to control the secretion of cortisol, it is ideal for those who are trying to lose weight because excess cortisol causes the body to retain body fat. This vitamin can be consumed in a supplement form; however, certain foods such as nuts, whole wheat breads and eggs all contain high levels of vitamin B5.
It is recommended to take at least 50 mg of vitamin B5 every day. Make sure that you do not consume this vitamin within 30 minutes after drinking fruit juice, and vice versa.
One of the most effective methods to control stress and thus reduce the amount of cortisol in your system is meditation. Meditation can be performed at any time throughout the day; however, to reduce stress, meditate in the morning, afternoon or right before going to bed.
Prior to meditating, make sure that you are wearing loose-fitting clothing and turn off any distracting noises, such as a clock, television or radio. You can meditate in a seated position, or lying down, whichever is more comfortable for you. Begin the meditation by focusing on your breathing. Inhale deeply, feeling your lungs fill with air and then slowly release this air. As you exhale, picture releasing all of your stress. While you are breathing, focus on relaxing every muscle in your body.
Start with your toes; imagine your toes releasing any tension. Work your way up your leg, torso, throughout your arms and finally your neck. Reaching full relaxation may take more time than originally thought, especially if you are quite tense from stress. Once your entire body has released its stress, just focus on your breathing, trying to eliminate any erroneous thoughts from your mind.