Apple Cider Vinegar as a UTI Cure
A urinary tract infection is an inflammation of your body's urine producing system, including your kidneys, bladder and urethra. UTIs normally affect your bladder or your urethra. Doctors treat UTIs with a round of antibiotics. If left untreated, the infection can spread to your kidneys, which can be painful and require hospitalization.
UTIs are caused by the normal bacteria found on your skin or in your bowels. If the bacteria get inside the urinary tract system, it will begin to grow and multiply. Bacteria can be spread to the urinary tract through sexual intercourse, improper wiping after a bowel movement or by wearing tight undergarments. Pregnant women often get UTIs because their enlarged uteruses block the urinary tract and can prevent some urine from emptying from the bladder. This stagnated urine develops bacteria, which leads to UTIs. Patients using a catheter to remove urine from their bladders are also susceptible to UTIs.
The first sign is often a frequent need to urinate or a sudden inability to urinate. A burning sensation when urinating or in your lower back are also signs of a UTI. You may experience persistent pain in your lower back or abdomen. UTIs cause cloudy or particularly foul-smelling urine.
Apple Cider
Many people treat UTIs at home with apple cider vinegar as an alternative to prescription medication. Apple cider vinegar contains a high concentration of enzymes that prevent the bacteria that cause UTIs from multiplying or growing.
Mix 1 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar with 8 oz. of water. You can also mix in 1 tsp. of honey to make it more drinkable. Drink this mixture up to three times a day, along with lots of water to flush out your system. If your symptoms worsen or you do not see an improvement within a few days, you should consult your doctor.
Prevent future infections by taking a multivitamin daily, drinking lots of liquids, wiping front to back after bowel movements, not waiting to urinate and emptying your bladder completely when you do urinate.