Home Remedy for Reducing Bruising
Immediate Actions
The first step to prevent a bruise from forming after an injury is to apply an ice pack. This needs to happen as soon as possible after the event. Continue applying cold for 24 hours if it seems likely a severe bruise will develop. Put the ice pack or a bag of frozen peas on the injured area at 15-minute intervals. In between, let the skin warm up naturally; do not try to warm it up with heat. You can use a thin lining like a cotton cloth between the ice and the skin to prevent actual freezing. The cold will constrict the blood vessels and prevent some of the blood from flowing into the surrounding area, which is what causes the bruised appearance. It also reduces the swelling and pain.
With a bruise to an arm or leg, elevate the injured area for a while. Blood that collects in an injured area can seep downwards and form a bruise in a different area. Even getting off your feet temporarily can help. Studies at the Duke University Medical Center in Durham, NC found that "those lacking Vitamin C in their diets tend to bruise more easily." (See Reference One) If you do have a tendency to bruise easily, the recommendation is to take 500 mg of Vitamin C three times a day. This builds collagen in the skin. Some medications can affect bruising. Taking aspirin for heart protection, blood thinners or anti-inflammatory or antidepressant drugs may increase bruising. If you are in this category, consult with a doctor, particularly if adding large doses of Vitamin C to your daily supplements
Acupressure, a remedy you can apply at home, can reduce bruising. Have someone locate a spot on your lower back between the second and third lumbar vertebrae and two to four finger widths away from the spine. Press firmly on this area with the middle finger for approximately 3 minutes. The pressure should be somewhere between a pleasant but firm feeling and actual pain. If it hurts, relax the pressure until you find that comfortable but firm level. This acupressure point is the "Sea of Vitality." Acupressure relies upon the Chinese concept of electrical currents (meridians) in the body and acts upon a trigger point that effects the skin. Do not press upon the actual bruise itself.
Herbal Remedies
Some herbs may help reduce bruising. As long as there is no broken skin at the injury spot and you are not pregnant, use Arnica cream, applied as directed, 1 to 2 times a day. Aescin (Horse Chestnut) cream and oregano oil can also be applied to the bruise. These herbs all stabilize the capillaries and speed healing. If a rash develops from any of these, discontinue use. Other items that can be found in the home that can reduce bruises are witch hazel, sliced raw onion and crushed parsley.