Herbal Remedies for Increasing Sperm Count
Panax, or Asian, ginseng is an herbal remedy in traditional Chinese medicine. There are reports of the root of this plant being used to increase blood supply and improve circulation. According to physicians at www.UrologyChannel.com, Panax ginseng has also been shown to increase testosterone and sperm count. Similar findings were made with Siberian ginseng. Adding ginseng to a man's daily routine could be helpful in sperm production.
Sarsparilla and Astragalus
Sarsparilla (also known as smilax) is most famously used in the flavoring of root beer, but it is also used in alternative medicine as a pick-me-up that also has been linked to sex drive and sperm count. Astragalaus is an herb also believed to increase sperm count and motility. It is generally known as milk-vetch, locoweed or goat's thorn.
Saw Palmetto
While saw palmetto, a fruit extract, is known mostly for its help with enlarged prostates, UrologyChannel.com also cites it as a remedy for overall male reproductive health, including low sperm count. Saw palmetto is readily available at most health stores.
Other Tips
While the above herbal remedies may be helpful in restoring proper semen levels, there are also many suggested foods and lifestyle choices that could add to your success rate. Oysters increase sperm and testosterone production. Bananas and avocados are believed to have similar effects. Get more exercise, avoid stress and give up cigarettes and alcohol.