Chronic Bad Breath Home Remedies

Halitosis is the scientific name for bad breath. There are several reasons why
some people are prone to have bad breath. The most common reason is due to accumulation of bacteria between teeth. Food particles produces sulfur compounds that make the breath smell bad. The more severe causes of bad breath are gum diseases, dental decay and chronic constipation. Home remedies are effective means to keep bad breath under control; however if the bad breath is due to gum diseases and dental decay, an individual must consult with a dentist.
  1. Effective Home Remedies

    • Bad breath that emanates from decomposed food particles in the mouth can easily be remedied by adhering to the following protocols:

      --Flossing after eating.
      --Gargle with baking soda dissolved in warm water.
      --Gargle with lemon water.
      --Chew on one to two cloves after eating.
      --Rinse with hydrogen peroxide. Gargling with hydrogen peroxide is safe, if you do not swallow any of it.
      --Boil two cups of water with two to three cloves and some parsley, let cool, and use the liquid as a mouth wash.
      --Mix one teaspoon of ginger and lemon juice in a cup of warm water and use the liquid to gargle with daily.
      --Chew on fennel seeds. Fennel seeds freshen the breath and also aid in digestion.
      --Eat ample amounts of fruits high in vitamin C such as oranges, lemons and limes.
      --Use a tongue cleaner to remove white film from the back of the tongue.

    Health Concerns

    • If you try the home remedies above and your bad breath persists, it is recommended that you see your dentist. Your dentist can determine if you have gum problems or tooth decay. Both situations can cause you to have bad breath. Constipation can easily be remedied by taking digestive enzymes or by doing a colon cleanse.The digestive enzymes help with breaking down proteins and carbohydrates in your colon. Be sure to drink plenty of water in between meals. The water helps soften waste in the colon, so it can easily be eliminated.To do a colon cleanse, take two rounded tablespoon of fiber first thing in the morning or before going to bed. The fiber will help loosen and expel bad breath causing materials from your intestines. Another thing you can do is to take liquid chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the best form of internal deodorizer. It neutralizes odor-causing gases in your system. Undigested food particles in the intestines become putrid; the chlorophyll neutralizes the odor from the decaying materials.

    Tips for Food-Induced Bad Breath

    • Chew a piece of peppermint gum when out in a restaurant after eating.
      Carry fennel seeds , cardamom seeds and cloves with you; you can chew on them if you are not able to immediately brush or gargle.
      Your local health food store carries organic seeds in bulk. Buying in bulk is cheaper.
      Keep a supply of lemons, ginger and parsley, so you can make homemade mouthwash.


    • Do not be alarmed if your feces is dark green; this is totally normal. Chlorophyll can cause your feces to turn green.

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