Herbal Cure for a Toothache
Ground clove is frequently used to treat and relieve toothache pain. Also, clove oil rubbed directly on the affected tooth is suggested.
Echinacea is called the "toothache plant" by the Lakota Indians. The root of the enchinacea plant that has been dug up from a garden and then rubbed directly on the troublesome tooth works best. Alternatively, try an enchinacea tincture.
Tea Tree Oil
Make a mouthwash rinse using several drops of essential tea tree oil and water. The mixture should then be used to rinse and cleanse the mouth. This mixture works as an antibacterial rinse and provides quick relief to inflamed gums and tooth pain.
Natural Toothpastes
Some natural toothpastes contain calendula (Weleda) which has long been used to treat the gums and tooth pain. Some contain myrrh (Tom's of Maine) which acts as an astringent and antibacterial agent.
Slippery Elm
If a filling is lost, try slippery elm powder paste. Mix the herb with water and apply on the tooth until you can get to the dentist.
Mix sage, a pinch of salt and water together to make a soothing mouthwash. This homemade remedy is excellent for bleeding gums and mild tooth pain.