Natural Herbs for Sinus Allergies
Echinacea has been used to successfully treat sinus and chest congestion for hundreds of years. Echinacea helps promote a healthy immune system, which is important in curtailing sinus infections secondary to allergies. Echinacea is not an instant sinus allergy cure, so the herb should be taken for at least a week before any noticeable improvement can be assessed. In clinical trials, consuming the herb continuously for more than 6 to 8 weeks provided no expressed further benefit, as the herb will reach therapeutic levels and effects will plateau. To prevent this, use echinacea for 6 weeks, then discontinue use for 1 to 2 weeks. Echinacea can be used in tea, tincture, compress and pill form. This herb is most potent when combined with goldenseal. Add 10 to 20 drops of echinacea root extract and goldenseal extract to ginger tea. This sinus allergy tea will help clear mucous, greatly reducing the risk of hay fever and bacterial sinus infections due to inadequate sinus drainage.
The aromatic peppermint herb is noted for its ability to quickly clear sinus allergy-related congestion and relieve the headaches that are often present with sinus congestion. Peppermint oil is most versatile for allergy sufferers because it can be used in a wider range of treatments. Add several drops of peppermint oil to a warm cup of water or a humidifier, then inhale deeply. Peppermint is also available in tea form and can be purchased at health food stores. The tea should be consumed every 2 to 4 hours or as needed throughout the day.
The most recognized herb for sinus allergies is eucalyptus. This herb is particularly aromatic, giving quick sinus allergy symptom relief. Eucalyptus oil can be used as a tincture, tea and compress. Adding the oil to warm bathwater, with a few drops of lavender oil added for general relaxation, greatly reduces congestion and promotes sinus draining, which will help prevent secondary infections. Add three to five drops of eucalyptus oil to a teaspoon of almond oil or apricot oil, then dab the mixture onto sinus pressure points on the face: the forehead, across the bridge of the nose and on the uppermost area of the cheekbones.