Uses of Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay is a natural ingredient found in many different health products. People looking for natural remedies, to lose unwanted inches around the body and detoxify the body inside and out, will appreciate bentonite clay. It is a natural clay found widely within the United States.
  1. Body Wrap Formulas

    • Bentonite clay is one of the main ingredients found in many body wrap clay formulas. It may be combined with seaweed and kelp. Natural oils, like lavender oil, might also be part of the formula. The combined ingredients are absorbed while pressed to the skin and help to detoxify your body.

    Internal Detox With Clay

    • Bentonite clay is sometimes mixed with other ingredients and used for internal detoxification. It has the ability to absorb, and draws out toxins. Bentonite clay should not be used in large doses internally. Follow the directions on any detox product.

    Household Uses

    • Many people use bentonite clay every day without realizing it. The clay is commonly found in cat litter, as it is absorbent and helps get rid of smells. It is also commonly used in shampoos and makeup products. It can be found in yogurt and candy bars. Bentonite clay can be used in winemaking to clarify and stabilize the wines.

    Industrial Uses

    • Because of its colloidal properties, bentonite clay can be used as a thickener or mixed with other materials to facilitate their transport. Useful in oil and gas drilling, it forms a gel and resists compression. Because it swells it can be used as a sealant. It can be added to sand, forming "green sand" that is used to create molds. Its properties are studied by civil engineers who want to understand the supporting structure of the earth under foundations. It can be a component of adhesives and cement.

      The clay is safe to consume in small quantities, and is often mixed with animal feed. It allows for an animal's digestive system to slow down, so the food it eats is absorbed better.

    How It Works

    • Bentonite clay has an ability to absorb water, toxins and chemicals totalling many times greater than its own dry mass. Think of a super-dry sponge. Apply water to it and it grows in size and weight. The clay acts similarly.

      There are several types of bentonite. It is usually formed from volcanic ash that has been weathered over time in association with water. Thus it acquires its porous structure. One of the more popular areas for gathering the clay is at Fort Benton in the Cretaceous beds of Wyoming. The clay is also mined in Arizona, Mississippi, Germany, England and other parts of the world.

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